安徽亚兰密封件有限公司成立于1993年,注册资本1080万元人民币,是****企业。公司**从事机械密封件及密封辅助系统的开发、生产、销售和服务。可为客户提供产品的设计、选型、解决客户的使用问题,培训相关技术操作人员。 公司本着“做好配角,争创*”宗旨,坚持走“人无我有,人有我精;****,自主**”的发展战略,尽力为用户提供**的产品,*的服务。 热忱欢迎国内外客户光临我厂考察、指导、洽谈业务。 Company introduction Anhui Yalan seal component Co., Ltd was founded in 1993, with registered capital of RMB 10 million 800 thousand yuan.It’s a national high-tech enterprise. Our company specializes in mechanical seals and seal auxiliary system designment, production, sale and service.We can provide customers with seal designing, type selection, solving customer problems and training related technical person. " Willing..